Sunday 28 October 2007

Scrap Dribbles Sketch Oct 27
I have based this card on the weekend sketch at Scrap Dribbles and have used another of my new Tildas. I decided to go all girly and use pink, not my usual colours but I am really pleased with the result. The card is white and there are touches of glitter on the cake but the light is so bad here it doesn't show up.


Kellan said...

Very cute - great job. See ya.

Anonymous said...


loublou said...

oh lovely, babe you lucky thing, i'm still waiting for mine, i cant wait for them to come , hurry up posty
yes i hate waiting for things too

thanks for the tag lol, cheers xx
take care ttys and thanks you make my day you do , xx louise

Petra Tillmann said...

Very nice!

Deb said...

Gorgeous, another fabby Tilda, they are just the cutest stamps! Love the colours, it is nice to go pink and girly every now and then!

bcgal00 Rae said...

Very cute - you have the best stamps! I love this one! Great card!

Hazel said...

Cute, pretty card, Andrea

Marlou McAlees said...

aah wow!!! lovin this one Andrea, isn't she the sweetest, you cant help sayin aaah when you see those stamps :) xx

Alhambra Club said...

What a lovely card, that stamp and your coloring is great.

Annie said...

Such a cutie on your card! Love the colours and I think I'm going to have to take a look at those Tildas!

Anonymous said...

so cute! I love this stamp and your card is really lovely